Friday, May 7, 2010


I have failed a class and my future at my present university is looking dim. My new future may reside in a one of my state's universities-which will be less expensive and increase my chances of getting a scholarship-but I miss my university! I bleed blue and white....if any of you out there know what that means. My tear ducts have exhausted all their resources, I am at a lost of words, and have half way completed an application for my potential new university. My mother and I said that I was being reactive and pro-active at the same time.

This whole situation makes me laugh because it reminds me of short stories I read in the English class that inspired me to write this blog: Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Snows of Kimanjero by Ernest Hemingway. In each of these stories the main character made terrible mistakes that had resounding consequences that they could not amend. In Babylon, the main character Charlie was a drunk and caused the death of his wife by locking her out of their house in the snow with only a slip on, thus losing custody of his daughter to his wife's sister. In Kimanjero, the main character Harry wasted his writing talent by not using it and just living a pompous life provided by his rich wife. I wrote a blog for my class entitled: You fucked up, and now your life sucks-conveniently that is exactly what happened to me.

I am coasting through my grades and life, believing everything will be fine, even when I take actions that I know will not equate to that solution. I let everything just happen, always thinking it'll be ok, coasting through all my activities....and then complain when it doesn't end the way I want it to. I fucked up and now my life sucks.....because of coasting.

Coasting is o.k. when you are rolling with your peoples in a car with not much to do, bumping to some old school music, but not when you fuck up your life. I will create a new life plan tomorrow.

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